Growth and Development
Growth and development is one of the characteristics of organisms. means all organime able to grow and develop.
In plants seeds of growth we can observe from the seeds that were germinated, changes in the number of flowers, branches and others.
In Man we can observe the development of ways to communicate with toddlers, children, to adults.
Now What is Growth?
What is also a difference between growth and development?
We can glimpse fikirkan if seeds germinate easily change its morphology structures we observe. the form of seeds turn into seedlings, grow roots and so on.
Try to observe changes in the way of communication carried out under five, and then compare it with the kids, teens to adults. Indeed there is a change but it is hard to observe.
Let's find an example - other examples so that we can understand that
Growth is the change that we can observe, measurable, and quantitative.
Development changes that lead to maturity, can not be quantified and qualitative.
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